Five Little Shamrocks – Nursery Rhyme Song with Lyrics in French and in English
“Five Little Shamrocks” is a number song for Saint Patrick’s Day. It is the perfect song for practicing numbers identification with the kids.
Details“Five Little Shamrocks” is a number song for Saint Patrick’s Day. It is the perfect song for practicing numbers identification with the kids.
Details“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” is a traditional children’s nursery rhyme about a star at least 250 years old! The full song speaking to the wonder that is the shining star and how it lights the way for travelers.
Details“Father Christmas Needs a Wee” by Nicholas Allan is a counting book that goes from 1 to 10 and back again. This is a great way to include maths at Christmas time. Here are a set of activities and games to learn the vocabulary and to check the comprehension of the book. So join in the fun with “Father Christmas Needs a Wee”!
DetailsHere are a set of activities and games to learn the vocabulary and to check the comprehension of the book “Ketchup on Your Cornflakes”. Then you can have the students listen to and watch the story on YouTube. So join in the fun with Ketchup on Your Cornflakes!
Details“Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” is an English nursery rhyme. The earliest surviving version dates from 1731. It is sung to a variant of the French melody “Ah ! Vous dirai-je maman”. Uncorroborated theories have been advanced to explain the meaning of the rhyme. In 1930, Katherine Elwes Thomas in The Real Personages of Mother Goose suggested the rhyme referred to resentment at the heavy taxation on wool.
DetailsHere are a set of 106 picture cards for classroom including ‘Native American’, ‘a lunchbox’ or ‘an American bison’. This flashcards collection can be used to teach vocabulary related to the United States.
Details“One Potato, Two Potato” is a children’s counting-out game that was first recorded 1885 in Canada. It is the perfect song for practicing numbers. Through this counting-out game, the students can memorize the numbers and familiar to the plural form.
DetailsThe counting song “Ten Green Bottles” is one of the easiest way to teach the children the countdown. Through this repetitive song, the students can memorize the numbers and familiar to the plural form.
DetailsHere are a set of activities and games to learn the vocabulary and to check the comprehension of the book “Meg and Mog”. Then you can have the students listen to and watch the story on YouTube. So join in the fun with Meg and Mog!
DetailsHere are a set of 78 picture cards for classroom including ‘a double-decker bus’ and ‘a red pillar box’. This flashcards collection can be used to teach vocabulary related to the United-Kingdom and England.