Red and Yellow (Blue and Green) - A Colour Song with Lyrics in French and in English - red and yellow blue and green song

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Red and Yellow

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Red and Yellow

Languages: English, French
Ressource Type: song, nursery rhyme
Theme: colours
Age-range: infant-preschool, 4 – 8 years

“Red and Yellow” is a colour song perfect for practicing colours identification with the kids.

English version:

Red and Yellow

Red and yellow, blue and green,
Blue and green, blue and green,
Red and yellow, blue and green,
Black and white and brown.

Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Pink and grey, pink and grey,
Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Black and white and brown.

French Translation:

Rouge et jaune

Rouge et jaune, bleu et vert,
Bleu et vert, bleu et vert,
Rouge et jaune, bleu et vert,
Noir et blanc et marron.

Orange, violet, rose et gris,
Rose et gris, rose et gris,
Orange, violet, rose et gris,
Noir et blanc et marron.

Culture and Vocabulary:

  • Colour words: red, yellow, blue, green, black, white, brown, orange, purple, pink and grey.


  • Pronunciation of the colours: red /ɹɛd/, yellow /’jɛləʊ/, blue /blu:/, green /ɡɹiːn/, black /blæk/, white /waɪt/, brown /bɹaʊn/, orange /ˈɒɹɨndʒ/, purple /ˈpɜːɹpəl/, pink /pɪŋk/, grey /ɡɹeɪ/.

Teaching suggestions:

  • Practice identifying the colors without singing at first.
  • Give your students different colored paper to hold up at the right times while they sing the song.

Video of the song “Red and Yellow” in English:

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