Witches, Witches
Languages: English, French
Ressource Type: song, nursery rhyme
Theme: Halloween
Age-range: infant-preschool, 4 – 7 years
Download the words of the song:
♦ Witches, Witches
“Witches, Witches” is the perfect kids’ song for Halloween night!
English version:
Witches, Witches
Witches, witches,
Skeletons and bats,
Scary ghosts and big black cats.
Whooo! Whooo!
What a fright!
It’s scary, scary
On Halloween night!
French Translation:
Sorcières, sorcières
Sorcières, sorcières
Squelettes et chauves-souris,
Fantômes effrayants et gros chats noirs.
Hou ! Hou !
Quelle frayeur !
C’est effrayant, effrayant
Le soir d’Halloween !