Lyrics of the nursery rhyme "London's Burning"

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London’s Burning

Languages: English, French
Ressource Type: song, nursery rhyme
Themes: London, United-Kingdom
Age-range: infant-preschool, 4 – 8 years


Download the words of the song:
London’s Burning

The lyrics of the nursery rhyme “London’s Burning” are said to be about Great Fire of London, a five-day fire in the city in 1666. It destroyed about 80% of London and left 65,000 residents homeless. The lyrics of the variant “Scotland’s Burning” refers to the Burning of Edinburgh ordered by Henry VIII of England in 1544. The lyrics of this nursery rhyme are mentioned in William Shakespeare’s comedy The Taming of the Shrew. The song can be sung as a round.


The Nursery Rhyme Collection by the Singalongasong Band: London's Burning

London's Burning by Patsy Biscoe and Friends from the album Nursery Rhymes for Chidren

English version:

London’s Burning

London’s burning, London’s burning,
Fetch the engines, Fetch the engines,
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Pour on water, Pour on Water.

French Translation:

L’incendie de Londres

Londres brûle, Londres brûle,
Va chercher les véhicules, va chercher les véhicules,
Feu ! Feu ! Feu ! Feu !
Versez de l’eau, versez de l’eau.



London, to burn, to fetch, to pour, the engines, fire, water


to BE + V ing (London’s burning)


  • how to pronounce water in English (UK /ˈwɔːtə/ et USA /ˈwɑtəɹ/)
  • pronunciation of [r] in “burning”, “fire”, “water” and in “pour on”


There is a variant on the BBC School RadioFetch the buckets ! Fetch the firehooks!” .


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