I’m a Little Snowman
Languages: English, French
Ressource Type: song, nursery rhyme
Themes: winter, body parts, clothing
Age-range: infant-preschool, 3 – 8 years
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♦ I’m a Little Snowman Lyrics
Brrrr…it’s cold! The perfect time to build a snowman. Introduce clothing and parts of the body with “I’m A Little Snowman.”
English Lyrics:
I’m a Little Snowman
I’m a little snowman,
look at me.
These are my buttons, 1, 2, 3.
These are my eyes
and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf.
Brrr…it’s cold!
French translation:
Je suis un petit bonhomme de neige
Je suis un petit bonhomme de neige
Ce sont mes boutons, 1, 2, 3.
Ce sont mes yeux
et c’est mon nez.
Je porte un chapeau et une écharpe.
Brrr … il fait froid !
Culture and Vocabulary:
- body parts: eyes, nose.
- clothing: hat, scarf.
- this is / these are.
- present simple in English: I’m, I wear, it’s.