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Row Row Row Your Boat Song with Lyrics in English and in French, Row Row Row Your Boat Lyrics in French

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Languages: English, French
Ressource Type: song, nursery rhyme
Theme: Traditionnal Song
Age-range: infant-preschool, 3 – 7 years


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Row, Row, Row Your Boat Lyrics

Row, Row, Row Your Boat” is a popular american children’s nursury rhyme. The most common modern version is often sung as a round for four voice parts.

The earliest printing of the song is from 1852, when the lyrics were published with similar lyrics to those used today, but with a very different tune. The modern tune was first recorded with the lyrics in 1881 in The Franklin Square Song Collection.


English Lyrics:

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is just a dream.


Another version:

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile,
Don’t forget to scream.

French translation:

Rame, rame, rame dans ton bateau

Rame, rame, rame dans ton bateau,
Paisiblement dans le courant.
Joyeusement, joyeusement, joyeusement,
La vie n’est qu’un rêve.


Another version:

Rame, rame, rame dans ton bateau

Rame, rame, rame dans ton bateau,
Paisiblement dans le courant.
Si tu vois un crocodile,
N’oublie pas de crier.


Culture and Vocabulary:

  • discover a traditionnal song;
  • row, boat, stream, dream.


  • use the imperative form to give orders.


  • pronunciation of the diphthong [əʊ] (boat /bəʊt/, row /rəʊ/);
  • pronunciation of the long vowel [i:] (stream /striːm/,dream /driːm/);
  • rhymes (stream/dream);
  • rhythm of the song.

Row Row Row Your Boat book by Maddie Frost

Row Your Boat from the album Best of Children's Favorites Mickey's Top 40 Tunes

Teaching suggestions:

  • sing the song as a round for four voice parts;
  • What words contain the sound [əʊ]? What words contain the sound [i:]?
  • sing the French nursery rhyme “Bateaux,ciseaux“;
  • match the way you sing the song to the adverb you use: “Quickly down the stream”, “Slowly down the stream”, “Quietly down the stream”, “Loudly down the stream”.


Videos of the song “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” in English:

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